Things tagged 'cycleroute'

limited to the area of Brent Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'cycleroute':

  • Rushgrove Park Draft Masterplan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Plans to improve Rushgrove Park include a new crossing of the Silkstream near Colindeep Lane, with a new access point on Colindeep Lane, joining with the existing route following the western side of the park to emerge on Crossway.  The draft masterplan describes this as the "primary shared cycle and footpath with seasonal tree avenue".

    Consultation details and online questionnaire on the link below...

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  • Colindale Park Draft Masterplan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Plans to improve Colindale Park include a 3.2m wide shared-use pedestrian/cyclist path linking Colindale Station and Sheaveshill Avenue.

    It is described in the draft masterplan as a commuting route - it's actually the 250m long path at the NE edge of the park.

    Consultation details and online questionnaire on the link below...

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24 threads found for 'cycleroute':

One library item found for 'cycleroute':

No planning applications found for 'cycleroute'.

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