Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Brent Cycling Campaign:

50 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Electric Scooter Trial in Camden

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.

    E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.

    The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.

    Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.

    Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.

    The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.

    They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.

    They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.

    Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter

    Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..

    They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays

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  • Lower Kilburn High Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council  are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place:

    • Extending bus lanes and standardising bus lane hours
    • Changing a zebra crossing to a signalised pedestrian crossing
    • Adding more trees
    • Widening the pavement
    • Providing more informal crossing points and a central island
    • Adding new cycle lanes and longer Advanced Stop Lines

    If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.

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  • Camden Council review of parking permits and parking charges

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges

    Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.

    The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.

    Residents Parking permits

    The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price  (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).

    The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.

    Electric vehicles get free permits.

    Visitors permits

    Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.

    Car clubs

    The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.

    The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.

    Doctors’ permits

    The same charges as for a  Car Club vehicle.

    Paid for parking sessions

    Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.

    CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%

    Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).

    Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.

    Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.

    South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.

    Motorcycle parking

    Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.

    Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.

    Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.

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  • Barnet Draft Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-2041 Consultation

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Update: Strategy adopted by Environment Committee on 09/09/2020

    "Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents."

    "There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport."

    "Our proposed Long Term Transport Strategy sets a direction for change to offer greater choices for travel, encourage more active lifestyles which will increase the health and well-being of Barnet’s residents and improve air quality. The strategy also sets out a number of proposed schemes for each type of travel along with activities to help change behaviour and encourage positive changes to the way we currently travel."


    Our vision

    The strategy includes the following vision statement relating to our long term vision for transport in the borough:

    By 2041, Barnet will have an efficient, convenient and reliable transport network, which enables safe, healthy and inclusive travel, protects the natural environment and supports the borough’s growth.

    The network will have transformed the way people and goods travel, providing strong orbital and radial links which gives everyone a choice of transport modes to complete their journey regardless of age, ability or income.

    This vision informs our proposals for the future of transport in the borough, and sets out a roadmap for achieving our vision which also complements other council policies such as the Growth Strategy(External link), the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy(External link), and the draft Local Plan(External link)."

     online questionnaire(External link).

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  • A41 Finchley Road - Swiss Cottage to Childs Hill

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    TfL propose bus and walking improvements along Finchley Road between Hillgrove Road (Swiss Cottage) and Hendon Way (Childs Hill),

    No direct references to improving cycling along this route. Mostly in Camden. 

    Only the Hendon Way junction is in Barnet. See Barnet Cyclists issue A41-A598 Burgess Hill for discussion of that junction.

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  • Golders Green Gyratory

    Created by Charles Harvey // 1 thread

    Fluid Design (consultants) are seeking views on making Golders Green gyratory more accessible to cyclists as part of a wider consultation on the future of Golders Green.

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  • Twyford Abbey Road - Road Safety Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    The proposed improvements include:

     Refreshing the existing loading restrictions and the advisory cycling lanes in Abbey Road
    to make them safer for cyclists and to prevent vehicles from parking on them
     Providing new mandatory cycling lanes in Rainsford Road to link the industrial area to the
    existing Grand Union Cycling Route and to improve connectivity cycling lanes in the area
     Providing new vehicle activated LED electronic signs to slow traffic and improve safety, for
    pedal cyclists and motorcycles
     Improving road safety at the junction of Twyford Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by
    extending the existing raised table, narrowing the carriageway width and providing onfootway cycling lane. This will slow traffic turning speed at the junction and get cyclists out of
    the way of heavy vehicles turning movement and hence improve safety for all road users
     Making crossing the road safer for vulnerable road users at the junction of Twyford
    Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by providing a zebra crossing
     Providing new direction signs where necessary to guide cyclists and pedestrians
    We will also take this opportunity to review all signs and street furniture to de-clutter and
    improve the streetscape. The enclosed drawing provides details of the proposals.

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  • Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Who is consulting?

    Highways & Infrastructure

    Why are we consulting?

    Each year we identify roads in Brent which have the highest numbers of recorded Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s). We then consider the introduction of road safety measures to help reduce the number of accidents.

    The junction of Furness Road with Harlesden High Street and Harrow Road has been identified as a location with a high number of accidents. Over the last 3 years there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded at the junction. 1 accident resulted in serious injury and 8 accidents resulted in slight injury. 3 accidents involved a pedestrian, 2 involved a pedal cyclist and 2 involved motorcyclists.

    The existing pedestrian facilities at this junction are also inadequate. The only protected pedestrian phase is across the southern arm of High Street Harlesden, with no formal crossings across all other approach arms to this very busy junction. Also most pedestrians tend to cross the junction on the north side of High Street Harlesden, which is not a protected and formal crossing.

    The other problem with this junction is the Furness Road approach. This is only a single lane approach with a free flowing, uncontrolled traffic movement for left-turning traffic. The right turning traffic obstructs the free flowing left-turning traffic even though it is uncontrolled. This is mainly due to the single lane approach to the junction holding the left-turning traffic which then causes long tail backs on Furness Road on daily basis, particularly during the peak hour periods. We are therefore proposing to introduce a comprehensive set of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents and also improve junction capacity.

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  • Camden's Clean Air Action Plan 2019-2022

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Camden between 2019 and 2022.

    Apologies for very late posting

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  • Stag Lane & Roe Green Local Safety Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    "Over the last 3 years there have been 26 traffic accidents recorded in Stag Lane resulting in 31 casualties. These casualties included 10 vehicle passengers, 9 vehicle drivers, 6 motorcycle riders, 4 cyclists and 2 pedestrians. 

    A 20 mph speed limit on Stag Lane and Roe Green between Mollison Way and Kingsbury Road designed to be self-enforcing through the introduction of traffic calming measures

     Speed cushions on Stag Lane and Roe Green which are narrow enough to allow a wide wheel based vehicle such as fire engine or an ambulance to pass relatively unhindered. A smaller wheel base vehicle such as a car however would need to have at least one set of wheels on some part of the cushion. Speed cushions have proved very effective in helping to reduce vehicle speeds.

     New pedestrian refuge islands on Stag Lane, by Carlisle Road and Goldsmith Lane to provide additional safe crossing points for pedestrians.

     Footway widening (kerb build outs) at the junction of Carlisle Road and Tewkesbury Gardens to slow traffic and reduce crossing widths for pedestrians.

     2 variable message speed signs to advise drivers to slow their speed.

     The installation of short sections of double yellow line “At Any Time” waiting restrictions at the Harrod Court vehicle access to the clinic. "

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  • Ealing Road Local Safety Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    The council proposes the following:

     20mph Speed Limit– A new 20mph speed limit will be introduced on Ealing Road from Wembley High Road to Mount Pleasant. Eight electronic vehicle activated 20mph and speed indicator signs will be installed at regular intervals to advise drivers about the 20mph speed limit and their current speed;

     Traffic Calming Features – Six new raised speed tables will be provided to reduce vehicle speeds and improve crossing facilities for pedestrians;

     New Zebra Crossings – 2 new raised speed tables & zebra crossings and 1 raised existing zebra crossing will replace the existing traffic island and speed cushions. This will provide more opportunities for pedestrians to cross safely between the traffic flows.

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  • Kensal Triangle Area Proposed 20mph zone

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    Brent Council says: "Over the last 3 years (01/03/2015 and 28/02/2018) there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded involving 10 casualties in the mentioned area. One accident was fatal and a total of eight accidents were slight. The casualties involved were as follows; 1 vehicle driver, 1 passenger, 2 cyclists and 6 pedestrians. Speed surveys carried out last year also show that speeding occurs particularly in Wakeman Road and Rainham Road.

    Speaking to your local resident association and ward councillors, we understand that there is a great interest from local community in introducing 20mph speed limits in all the streets within the Kensal Triangle area shown in the plan at the back of the page. We have been told that local residents want their streets to be safer, discourage drivers using the area as a rat run, and make their roads accessible to cyclists and pedestrians.

    As a result of our discussions, we are therefore proposing to introduce a set of measures to encourage slower vehicle speeds and to reduce the number and severity of traffic accidents in the area."

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  • Kensington & Chelsea LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    The Mayor of London published his Transport Strategy (MTS) in March 2018. The aim is for 80 per cent of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041 (compared with 63 per cent in 2015).

    Our Third LIP sets out how we plan to implement the MTS locally as well as our other local transport-related priorities. LIPs are statutory documents and all London boroughs must prepare and submit their LIPs to Transport for London (TfL) for Mayor of London approval. See the MTS on the website.

    There are four main elements of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's LIP:

    • A set of Borough Transport Objectives covering the 2019/20 to 2021/22 three-year LIP period and beyond.
    • The transport challenges and opportunities that we face in the borough.
    • A Delivery Plan of schemes, initiatives and policies covering the period 2019/20 to 2021/22.
    • LIP targets and delivery indicators.
    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Commonplace survey

    To help shape the themes of our LIP we ran an online map-based ‘Commonplace’ survey during the summer of 2018, inviting people to tell us the kind of transport improvements they would like to see in their local area. See the online map.

    407 people responded to the question ‘What is your biggest concern about getting around on Kensington and Chelsea's streets? Amongst all respondents the top five concerns in descending order were:

    • cycling doesn’t feel safe
    • pollution
    • speed of traffic
    • too much rat-running
    • congestion for cars

    Amongst those who stated that they lived in the borough the top five concerns were:

    • pollution
    • speed of traffic
    • congestion for cars
    • too much rat-running
    • cycling doesn’t feel safe
    Key projects, policies and initiatives proposed in our LIP include:
    • considering pedestrians’ wish for ‘green man’ facilities at busy junctions, which will reduce traffic capacity and increase queues, even if these would not have the traditional road casualty based justification
    • consulting on introducing pilot 20 mph limits in some streets and areas
    • examining TfL's proposals to improve conditions for walking and cycling along the Holland Park Avenue/Notting Hill Gate/Bayswater Road corridor
    • introducing one or more ‘floating’ car clubs, which allow customers to make one-way trips, paying by the minute, without having to return the car to a dedicated bay
    • reviewing the case for taking on powers to enforce moving traffic offences, such as yellow box junctions and banned turns, to make sure road users observe traffic restrictions
    • a trial of part-time ‘school streets’ in which motor vehicle access is limited at school drop-off and pick-up times to encourage children to walk to school and improve safety
    • considering opportunities to introduce restrictions to move traffic away from residential roads in some circumstances
    • working with TfL to find sites for rapid electric vehicle chargers
    Send us your comments on our Draft LIP

    We welcome your views on our draft LIP and the Environmental Report. If you have any comments please complete the survey online or Alternatively  you can email them to or send them by post to:

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  • Colindale Station Redevelopment (TfL)

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    TfL are consulting on significant improvements to Colindale station, including an entirely new ticket hall, a new lift providing step free access to the platforms and new homes around the station. We are seeking views on our proposals ahead of submitting a planning application for the site to Barnet Council.

    Includes: Improve pedestrian and cyclist journeys to and from the station.

    Public exhibition in Sunderland Hall at the RAF Museum (Grahame Park Way, London, NW9 5LL) on:

    Thursday 6 December 2018 (14:00 - 20:00)
    Saturday 8 December 2018 (10:00 - 16:00)

    see also Barnet Council consultation for the same site at

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  • Brent LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Statutory and public consultation on their draft documents is a requirement for Boroughs preparing their Local Implementation Plans. The draft London Borough of Brent Local Implementation Transport Plan (LIP3) sets out how the Borough Council proposes to implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy at a local level in Brent. The plan uses the Borough’s Long Term Transport Strategy objectives and sets out how the future of transport for Brent will be provided up to 2041. It proposes a three-year programme of investment for the period 2019/20 - 2021/22. Under the Mayor’s Transport Strategy a further three year programme will be consulted on in the future. The full draft plan is available in the document section below. We would welcome your views on the draft LIP3 using this online questionnaire.

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  • Barnet LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 2 threads

    The third Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) was published in March 2018 and sets out a new strategic direction for transport in London. It aims to change the way people choose to travel with an overarching vision for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    Each London Borough has to prepare a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) containing proposals for the implementation of the MTS in its area.

    Barnet’s draft LIP includes Barnet’s transport objectives and identifies key local issues, challenges and opportunities to achieving the overarching mode share aim and nine MTS outcomes. It includes a delivery plan that sets out, in broad terms, the proposals and resources that will deliver the LIP objectives and targets associated with indicators related to the MTS outcomes.

    A number of statutory consultees will be specifically invited to comment on the draft LIP, but we want everyone who lives in or visits the borough to have an opportunity to comment too.

    Give us your views

    A copy of the draft LIP is provided here. We would particularly like your views on:

    have the main challenges and opportunities to delivering the MTS vision and outcomes been identified (pages 24-60);
    are the borough transport objectives identified in the document (pages 26-29) suitable for addressing the challenges;
    should the LIP include other major proposals or general areas of work (pages 62-74 & 80-81);
    should any other targets be identified (pages 103-110)
    Please provide your comments by email to link) including LIP3 in the title

    ,or by post FAO Jane Shipman, Re, Floor 11, Barnet House, 1255 High Road, London, N20 0EJ.

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  • Kilburn High Road Liveable Neighbourhood

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Info from survey:
    "The London Borough of Brent and Sustrans are working together to explore ways in which the Kilburn High Road and surrounding area shown could be improved. Together we want to better meet the needs of the community to make it a more desireable place to walk, cycle and enjoy being in.
    London Borough of Brent and London Borough of Camden will submit a joint application to Transport for London's Liveable Neighbourhood programme in November 2018, which will incorporate suggestions made by the community."

    Brent Cyclists are forming our own response, to be sent by end of October 2018.

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  • Byron Court Primary School School Safety Scheme

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Brent Council says:
    Byron Court primary school is included in the Councils School Expansion programme, which is being delivered to accommodate the increasing number of children living in the borough. As a planning condition, the Council is proposing to introduce a local road safety scheme in the surrounding roads near the school. Details of the scheme and the area affected are shown on the enclosed drawings.

    The aim of the scheme is to:
    Improve road safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists and particularly for vulnerable road users
    Prevent obstructive and dangerous parking at the school gates
    Better manage traffic flow and reduce vehicle speed
    Improve crossing facilities for pedestrians

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  • Yeats Close, Brent

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    The council has received a number of complaints from the local community with concerns regarding road safety and obstructive parking on Yeats Close. The council is therefore proposing to provide inset parking and introduce a local road safety scheme in Yeats Close, NW10. The proposed road safety scheme will help reduce vehicle speed, better manage the parking situation and enhance road safety for all road users.

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  • Proposals for the Creation of a Major Road Network (London)

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    From the DfT:
    As part of the Transport Investment Strategy, the government committed to creating a Major Road Network (MRN).

    This consultation asks for views on:
    how to define the MRN
    the role that local, regional and national bodies will play in the MRN investment programme
    which schemes will be eligible for MRN funding

    A new MRN would help deliver the following objectives:
    reduce congestion
    support economic growth and rebalancing
    support housing delivery
    support all road users
    support the Strategic Road Network

    The creation of an MRN will allow for dedicated funding from the National Roads Fund to be used to improve this middle tier of our busiest and most economically important local authority ‘A’ roads.

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No planning applications found for 'consultation'.

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